Sunday, August 12, 2018

Breaking News: Missing Blog Writer Found Watching TV!!!

Welcome Back Friends....To the Blog, from your vacations,  from what I hope has been a relaxing summer.

Handsome Frenchman Breaks Journey on Remission Island

Yes, friends and family, Pierre-Marie is in remission!  Dr. El- Shami told us in the absolute most anticlimactic manner.  So much so, that I had to ask him over and over and then he started looking at me like I was the crazy one.  But, yes, he is in remission.  The reason to be excited is not really the obvious one.  The excitement stems from the fact that remission means we can begin the bone marrow transplant and that is the key to cure.  And cure is the destination we are aiming for.  Compass straight on point.

Life Continues Even During Times of Uncertainty

Of course it does....We knew that.

In the last couple of weeks:

We celebrated my dad's birthday on July 18 though we needed to abort at the last minute.  P-M was running a fever and we needed to get him checked out.....We did eat cake before going though.

I have returned to work full time and balancing it all has proven to be difficult.  I have work, but I want to be there for P-M.  This is one time where independent wealth would be a great addition to my life.

Sarah came for a visit  when she got back from the trip she and James took to Europe.  We had a chance to catch up and watch movies and hang out.

We celebrated our 5 year anniversary.  And I think I like him even more than the day I married him. He, well, he really lucked out, right?

 Mika got a haircut.  It's too short in my opinion, but as they say it's only hair.  He isn't sure how to feel about it.

The quiet DC July of people traveling is giving way to a busy August of returns and visits and get togethers.

We continue to try and plan for the Bone Marrow Transplant without actually knowing any of the actual plans.

Our niece turned  8!

And life continues on........

Bone Marrow Donor Found In Unlikeliest of Places

Well that's sort of Fake News!!!

It was pretty likely that one of the kids would be the donor.  We don't actually hear anything about the process.  Sarah and Simon were typed.  And then Simon was called and told that he would be the donor.  Simon and P-M will both ave some pre testing and on Day 0, the doctors will extract from Simon and transplant to Pierre- Marie.  Sarah and I will be on hand to make sure that both the Lasseron men are taken care of.

Pot To The Rescue

Pierre- Marie's weight has fluctuated a lot since May.  He's lost about fifty pounds.  The last time we went to see Dr. El- Shami, he told P-M that he needed to boost up on his weight.  He said that he didn't want P-M to be nutritionally deficient when the time came for the BMT.   But P-M being P-M, was adamant that he didn't want to eat.  Picture this:

Hospital Room

Dr. El- Shami:  Mr. Lasseron, you have to eat more.

P-M:  I'm not hungry....but I can eat if the sun is in the right position and I feel that the distance to the fridge is not too far from where I am sitting.  And I do like cumin a lot and don't mind having that in certain dishes.  I remember that in France, I used to eat a bunch of things that I really really liked.  And then...blah, blah, blah, blah....( if you know him, you know the wandering way in which he can tell a story).  But I'm not hungry.

Dr. El- Shami:  Mr. Lasseron, have you ever smoked Pot?

P-M:  Well, yes I have, but I giggle and then fall asleep.

Dr El-Shami:  Mr. Lasseron, between the giggling and the sleep don't you get hungry.

P-M:  Actually, I do.

Dr. El-Shammi:  Mr. Lasseron, that is called the munchies....You should eat then.

 Enter Friends and Pot Stage Right!!!

Between the Pot and the ice-cream....he gained 11 pounds.

Hope Reigns Supreme at the Lasseron-Bhalla House

On good days, this is truly the case.   On the not so god days, we pretend or watch TV or sleep.  We're making strides in the right direction and for that I am so thankful!!

And that rounds up our updates.  Hope you will join me next time for another update of the P-M and Natasha Saaga/story/situation/serial!!!

Till next time.....


  1. Wonderful news, told in your inimitable style. Thanks for the updates and best wishes to all for the BMT.

  2. This is so good to read. Love and God bless! Kus and Uday

  3. such great news. thank you for sharing. xoxox

  4. Heureusement, de larges faiblesses dans la compréhension de la langue de Shakespeare me permettent de douter du sens d'un certain chapitre... ;-)
    Bizzz à tous deux!


Signs, Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs.....

I am a superstitious person.  I also believe in signs.  I'm not an overly religious person but I like to think that I have some spiritua...